As the days get warmer, and longer, air conditioners are persistently operating to ensure that commercial indoor environments stay cool and comfortable for workers and customers to escape the heat.

Of course, this increase in energy usage results in higher energy bills and often at a costly rate. To decrease energy usage and its associated costs, there are many strategies you can adopt to ensure your commercial building is comfortable while reducing its carbon footprint.

There are many components to the HVAC – heating, ventilation and air conditioning –   infrastructure that can efficiently impact energy efficiency.

From the advanced technology that Equilibrium Air Conditioning implements into their HVAC systems, to maintenance services to ensure your commercial HVAC system is operating smoothly to conserve energy consumption and increase efficiency.

From the design of the system to the window glazing and insulation of the building, there are simple ways in which energy usage and costs can be reduced during the hotter months, these include:

1. Ensuring that standby mode is switched off and setting an automatic timer

Set up an automatic timer for the air conditioner to switch off at the end of operating hours or at the time when workers are leaving the office.

2. Reduce heat from lighting sources

Efficient windows and external shading should be used to restrict heat from the sun and harsh sunlight entering the building. From an electrical standpoint, lights should be switched off in any unoccupied room and motion sensors can be installed.

3. Install Smart Technology

One of its many advantageous features is that it adjusts heating or cooling to an optimal temperature and detects when occupants are no longer present in a room.

4. Have your HVAC serviced regularly

Scheduled servicing identifies potential defects, early, alleviating poor HVAC performance and its increased use of energy output.

By adopting these strategies, your commercial space will be spending less on energy bills and helping in reducing its environmental impact.

Equilibrium Air Conditioning can assist in the design, installation, and servicing of a high-performing HVAC system for your commercial space. Call our skilled team on (02) 9439 4822 for further information.