About Us
Welcome to Equilibrium
Air Conditioning – Engineering
Experts and Service Solutions
At Equilibrium Air Conditioning we are a wholly Australian owned and operated premium provider of air conditioning and ventilation systems.
With a reputation for creative design and professional service, we are committed to developing innovative air conditioning and ventilation solutions to meet the ever-changing demands of the Australian Commercial market.
We Offer
Engineering Excellence
At Equilibrium Air Conditioning, we have built an unrivalled reputation for engineering excellence, innovative design and professional service.
Design & Construct
We design, install and service climate control systems and ensure we find the best solution for your projects.
Service Management
At Equilibrium Air Conditioning we offer service solutions, preventative maintenance and servicing that can save you thousands of dollars.
Facilities Management
We provide full building management and assessment services to esure your facility is up to date.
A word from Joe Maric
our Commercial Manager